British Superyacht Membership FAQ
Can any business join the British Superyacht?
A business is able to apply for membership of British Superyacht if they satisfy the following:
The main business address is based within the geography of the British Isles. (except international member applicants)
The business is currently active in supplying products & services to the superyacht industry.
The business has a Company Registration Number issued from an authority within the British Isles or is a sole trader.
The business must be registered for VAT.
The business has a currently active and appropriate website and URL that clearly illustrates their products/services and an active email address and/or telephone number for contact.
Does my business have to be a limited company or similar?
Any business is eligible to apply for membership of British Superyacht provided they satisfy the prerequisites above, that includes a sole trader, provided they are registered for VAT.
Is it the business or an individual that is the member?
It is the business that becomes a member of British Superyacht. The additional benefit is that any bona fide member of staff of that business that has a an email address with the business URL can take advantage of member tickets at events etc
What is defined as the 'British Isles'?
This is purely a geographical term – it refers to the islands of Great Britain and Ireland – including the Republic of Ireland – and the 5000 or so smaller islands scattered around our coasts. Remember this only refers to geography, not nationality. The area also includes the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. (Businesses based in the Republic of Ireland enjoy International membership)
Can overseas based businesses become members?
Yes, we welcome member businesses based overseas, outside the British Isles, to encourage international trade with our members. Overseas businesses must be registered for tax in their own country and have an active and appropriate website and URL that clearly illustrates their products/services, and an active email address and telephone number for contact.
Do you work with other industry membership organisations?
Yes of course. We invite other selected, trade support organisations and overseas industry membership organisations to apply for our complimentary 'Associate Membership' so that we can work collaboratively to support our own members.
What does it cost to join the British Superyacht?
We provide an easily affordable simple annual membership structure to satisfy varying business needs.
How does the British Superyacht operate?
It is a managed membership organisation supporting businesses in the superyacht industry providing researched benefits to support their future growth at home and overseas. We always welcome member feedback.
What sort of networking does British Superyacht provide?
The aim of the British Superyacht Society will be to provide premium networking events throughout the year. Additional events may also be advertised. The aim of these events will be to provide education and collaborative opportunities. British Superyacht will also provide a members only discussion forum where they can seek collaboration with other member businesses.
Can I advertise my business with the British Superyacht?
Yes, of course. Every member will have a 'basic business listing' on our website directory There will be additional opportunities for sponsorship and advertising on the British Superyacht website and at our premium networking events.
What is the British Superyacht Destinations & Directory?
It is a publication that will be produced in both digital and printed formats. The digital version will be updated regularly and the printed version will be produced annually. (Coming Soon)
British Superyacht Apparel & Promotional products
We understand the importance of identity, therefore British Superyacht has a range of apparel and promotional products that members may purchase to show that they are a part of an outstanding superyacht industry.
Contacting British Superyacht
You can easily contact us using the 'Contact Form' giving as much information as possible. One of the team will respond as soon as possible.
British Superyacht reserve the right to change its benefits, terms and conditions at any time.
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